Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week 2 - Legendary District at the MTC (CCM)

Can you believe it?! two weeks down already. What more? I'm about 1.9% done with my mission. That doesn't sound liike much, but in reality. That's a lot. As of now, I only get fifty-one more allotments of the time I've spent here on a mission, and only 1.5 more allotments of that time to prepare to be a missionary. Time is of the essence, but it needn't be rushed. As of Monday this week, I realized how important the difference is.

I still haven't been homesick. I've loved every second out here. However, last week I was only a shell of myself. When I boarded the plane and left Utah, I left my family, my job, my ward, my free time, all of that, behind. I was totally fine with that. My free time was never mine anyway. I also brought many things. I brought everything on the packing list: toothbrush, money, church clothes, church clothes, Scriptures, more church clothes, and toiletries. There was one thing however, that was not on the packing list. I forgot to bring myself. I was always absorbed in my flashcards, or focused on learning Spanish. It had become my definition. I was so focused on the mechanics of a missionary I forgot what it pointed towards.

A look at the city
Monday I cracked one of my first puns, possibly since I left home. I really came out of the shell. I was loving every minute here, but I wasn't enjoying it. I remember my farewell talk when I said I needed to be busy but never rushed. I was busy and always rushed. The interesting thing is that I'm picking up Spahish just as quickly, if not more, now that I'm slowing down a bit.

I attended a devotional Tuesday night and the speaker spoke in Spanish. I could partially understand him, and there was also a translator there. I could understand the english just fine. ;) It was a very good devotional. It was focused on making commitments, because they needed to act in doctrine. The speaker asked a couple of questions, and I obviously answered. However, when I answered, I answered in both English and Spanish, translating for myself instead of the translator. Bragging points for me there.

I know almost everyone learning Spanish here would trade Spanish ability with me, and I know this will sound really terrible, but it's been hard being able to hold a normal conversation with latinos when three of the ten in my district still don't even know how to say the name of their mission. I want to be able to learn at my fullest capacity, but that means I have to do it all by myself rather than working with someone else. I wouldn't trade my companion for anyone in the world, but it's still hard for me to spend 2 hours helping him memorize Spanish and scripture in which I am already fluent. All that aside, I love being his companion and he's doing really well with his Spanish.

Elder Brown and Elder Kelson
My companion is District leader now, as our old district leader was "promoted" to zone leader. Elder Kelson is concerned about being the zone leader now, but he's awesome and I wish he wouldn't worry about it. He works hard but he has a charm that pulls our district together. He makes sure to notice people who are struggling and can help them.

Our district has a couple of MTC legendaries. Elder Slade, Elder Scoubes' companion, has a girlfriend whom will be arriving next Wednesday night. We might actually get another district then too. :) I was the only one to translate for myself in the MTC devotional, so I hit the books for that. Someone else told me I'm legend in another zone for my Spanish and for my Gospel knowledge. Since the Latinos go in and out every other week, when the first latinos I met left, they all wanted a pitcure with me.
And we think the Diverging Diamond Intersection in Lehi is confusing...

Mexico City Temple

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