It's been another great week down here in the MTC! I'll be leaving to teach the people of Tijuana next Monday at 3:30 a.m. I'm thoroughly excited to assume the role of a full-time missionary. I'm excited for the blessing I have to lose myself in service, whatever form it may be in. I hope to learn to love the people and then show it in a way that increases their love for God.
I've been learning the importance of daily scripture study. It is vital to a life of full conversion. Joseph Smith said that "is the most correct book of all other books on the earth, and the keystone of our religion; and that a man would come nearer to God as he followed its precepts than by any other book." I know that this is true. My conversion story is based upon a decision to read the Book of Mormon. My conversion story every single day is based upon that principle. It brings a depth into life that cannot be achieved nor rivaled in any other way.
MTC Study Time |
I've been studying the scriptures more often now than at first in the MTC. It's been really helpful. I've said many times to many people that one can predict the day based on a prayer. If one would consistently have good days, not just fun or happy, but truly good ones, then one must consistently have powerful prayers. In order to have powerful prayers, one needs intentional scripture study. It's a continuing cycle. Each enhances the other. I love to read the scriptures. I love to learn about the prophets, and even more, about Christ. I love to feel the power of his words when he talks to the Nephites. There's an undeniable power there. Read the scriptures every day. Pray over them. I love them. I know that the scriptures contain the power of God. They will change your life. They will make your life a life worth living. The depth of your life will increase. Its meaning will deepen.
Weed-Whacking Warrior |
As you may have noticed in my picture with the Weed-Whacking Warrior, I have a knee brace now. During a game of ultimate frisbee, I hyper-extended my knee, sprained it, and may have bruised/roughed-up the cartilage. The doctor here says I'll be fine, I just need to abstain from running. Walking is ok, but any misplacement or twist hurts it. It gets sore and stiff really easily. However, I got a blessing from Elder Scoubes last night. I was told that the injury would not have a negative effect on my capacity to serve. I was told that God knew me and had a plan for me in the CCM and my mission. I am very grateful to have companions that are of such stature as to be a medium of the words of God in a blessing. Elder Kelson has given me a blessing as well. They are great men. I hope I can do things like them. I was really blessed to not have injured myself more with the nature and manner of the injury.
I know that the priesthood is of God. I know that blessings are not given by melchizedek priesthood holders, but through them. I know that this church is true. I love it. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Elder Kelson's Bday Party-MTC Style |
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts |
This week we celebrated Elder Kelson's bday. Elder Kelson opened presents! Elder Scoubes received two dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. We had ourselves a little party!
Elder Brown
I am so excited for you to go to Tijuana and meet your trainer!!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you to go to Tijuana and meet your trainer!!