So I guess it turns out that this transfer decided to be the craziest thing ever. We started out in Bahia and then one day the Zone leaders kicked us out. They gave us four hours to move areas with them. :) #MissionLife
Then, three or four or some weeks later, one week befor real transfers, they booted my companion back the area he had recently been booted out from. I'm now companions with Elder H*, a Zone Leader. But I'm not a Zone Leader. I'm happy enough being an elder. :) That happened Saturday, when Presidente G* came down and told us to have a companionship change. We only had an hour and a half to make that one.
I'm still in Alisos North, and things have been going well. Not sure If I mentioned them, but there's a family with the last name of S* that I found with Elder V* in Bahia. Theýre gonna get baptized this weekend!!!! They're awesome! They went to the steak conference and the Mission President bragged about them and promised the husband that the Lord was preparing him for leadership. Then in the Sunday Session, soon to be Brother S* BORE HIS TESTIMONY in STEAK CONFERENCE! That was cool. We later learned that two Seventies (M* and F*) and the Steak President (F*) went to their house and taught them and then gave them a blessing. Unfortunately, they're in B* and not in my area anymore, but they're still my converts too. :)
Elder V* is with the other zone leader. Elder H* is great. I'll be present with the s* family. S*, O*, J*, J*, and K*. Not sure if all will get baptized, but hoping that they will. :)
Anyway, we've got some baptisms coming up this week. We'll see how that all turns out. :)
With Elder H*, I gave a blessing to an investigator named X*. She almost got baptized in December, but there was a problem. We came and she said she was willing to get baptized. We gave her a blessing and the Spirit was almost palpable. The home almost felt like the temple. I just sat down to soak it in and let her do it too. We talked to her about stuff, but we really just soaked in the Spirit.
This last week was overall really good. There were a couple radical changes concerning the companions, but I'm optimistic. I have the opportunity to work with a leader and see how he works things. :)
Real transfers are next week...I'm thinking I'll probably get transferred. :) This should be a fun week!
--Elder Brown
Wow. Crazy