Jan 11, 2016
This is the last week of my training. There's been a lot that has happened. I received pictures of me my family and me from before the mission. I realized that I've changed a lot since then. I've grown a lot (at least in belt size). I have begun to see the differences between business and progress that comes with total focus on a single objective. This week has also shown me much of God's dealings with us. for example:
We went to a chinese buffet for my birthday. I ate jellow without utensils. |
1. It rained three days straight. We have no pavement, only dirt, Day one was bad, Day two was dangerous, and day three was flat-out hopeless in our area. We were confined to walking to two different houses each day. We were a bit discouraged for this, but it actually turned out to be a blessing. Because of the weather, we ended up spending the majority of each day in the house of K****, the family of whom we had been teaching very frequently for the past three months. We were pretty much stuck in their house, so we focused more than ever on them. C****, 18, (Baptism 1, I performed it), R******, 15, (Baptism 2, Elder Ruiz performed), and C******, 18, (Baptism 3 Elder R*** performed) received more lessons more quickly in the last week than anyone else here. We also got to teach K****, a recent convert, and L***, their mom (she'll get baptized within the next two months). The rain turned out to be a blessing, as it forced us to stay and teach them.
2. We met another family about a month or two ago. actually we just met the dad. He's about 70 years old, his wife's about 50 or 55, and they have a daughter, age 18. We taught him the first lesson but couldn't find him after that first discussion. Their son got baptized the 26 of December (in another area), and the interest of the whole family surged. Now, they’re planning to get baptized the 6th of February, and are progressing really, really rapidly.
Here's what the roads look like after it rains |
3. We were out tracting one day and we met the most born-again, evangelical christian I think may exist, and he starting talking our ears off. He told us it was good were were doing something good and then said, "To my shame, i used to like rock, but I'm over it now, and I think God placed my neighbors here to hear my message of my salvation from Rock." After the contact, Elder Ruiz and I looked at each other and said, "Vamos a salvar los pecadores de Rock.", or "let's go save those sinners from rock." We went, and we met a golden investigator. We taught him of baptism, and he wanted to do it. When we set the baptismal date, he told us that he wanted to be, better, more like Christ when he got baptized, but when I told him that baptism is the first step, not the last, his doubts were resolved. It was fantastic!!! His answers were very thoughtful and accurate. His resolve was very evident. To me, it was a miracle.
4. We had a lesson this past week with A*******. We wanted to bring a member to the lesson so A******* could get to know more people in the church. After thinking really hard about the three members we had as possibilities, we concluded that we couldn't bring one. We went to his house and knocked his door. Lo and behold, the son who had just gotten baptized was there and was able to help us teach and provide a third witness to that which we taught. They all want to get baptized. It's a goal that's very present in their minds.
5. We weren't quite able to go shopping last week, and so we were on the tail end of our food almost all week. One day I made oatmeal, only to find that we had nothing to give it flavor. I went on eating the really, really stale oatmeal in a relatively optimistic manner when i remembered that K***’s father had given us pan (that sweet bread stuff, kind of like a dry doughnut) the day before. I ate my really stale oatmeal with really good pan. I thought of the biblical miracles of bread and food. You may not count it as a miracle, but it was certainly a blessing i could not achieve alone.
6. We returned to teach Hna. H*******(60) and her daughter C*****(35). They are interested, but a little doubtful, and the mom is mad at God. She's the one who got mad about the expenses of the temple. However, they are improving and progressing now. This week has been full of miracles. This week has been the week of the harvest.
7. We received a phone call from another Hna. H****** (40) that she had changed her work schedule and was available to go to church again. She's going to get baptized this month or next. I can't believe that so much is happening!!!
8. Hna. D**** is about 30 years old. She really wants to get baptized, but the only problem is that her husband's not in on the whole church thing. He's not against it, but neither is he for it. He's a good investigator. He's intelligent, and he understands what we're explaining, but he still isn't exactly rooting for the church. However, the wife bought a skirt for church and is reading the Book of Mormon. She's progressing. She just needs the courage to act now. :)
Baptisms January, 9, 2016 |
9. Now for the baptisms, C**** was pretty much sure, but R***** and C****** were almost against baptism last Tuesday. They started reading the Book of Mormon every day since Monday and progressed rapidly (that's what happens when we read the Book of Mormon). Friday they had set their baptismal date more or less securely for Saturday the 16th of January. However, after the baptismal interview with C****, both R****** and C****** decided to get baptized with her. :) Our one baptism Saturday turned into three. It was really cool to see. Without the Book of Mormon, without Prayer, no baptism would happen, but most assuredly these last two. If you read the Book of Mormon and pray, your whole world will change.
10. We are bringing more and more of the people here to the fold of God. Through the work of my companion and I, and the many miracles that have occurred, the Branch is opening and beginning to develop.
These and many more miracles happened over the past weeks, not all of them can be told, and none of the experiences can be sufficiently shared. On looking back, I realize that every one of these experiences were miracles. The rain was, and the sunshine too. Ether 12:6 says that the miracles don't come until after the trial of our faith, but maybe the trial of our faith isn't necessarily a hard day or a tragedy. Maybe the trial of our faith is FINDING the miracle. There are miracles in everything, and as I search, two things happen: One, the small miracles continue, and two, I have sufficient faith to plead for larger ones.
God is opening the hearts of people in my area. He is opening my heart. The miracles are everywhere, I just can't wait to find them. :)
Elder Brown