Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 10, 2017--Funny Telephone Conversation

reading Alma 32 the other day. same ol' same ol'. one difference though: I realized that later on in the chapter, it talks about nurturing the plant until it "takes root". I realized that many times, I dedicate myself to a goal and once I gain the testimony, I move onto another topic, but I haven't taken the time to let the plant "take root". Sometimes, in our excitement to progress, we end up running in circles if we don't practice a bit of patience, letting the testimonies and habits "take root", or become a natural part of our personality.

I learned the secret to a satisfactory missionary day: Knocking doors and street contacting. You can work your tail off all day and come back exhausted, but if you don't knock a couple of doors, you'll always feel unsatisfied... :)


"Ring!! Ring!!" goes our brick of a cell phone.

"Hi! good afternoon, we're the missionaries." I answer the phone.

"Hi! I'm Brother ______." the caller says, "I'm trying to go to the temple with the ward, and I'm not sure who could give me a ride to the temple."

I then ask if he had talked to his neighbors, two of the most active families in the ward, to see if they could give him a ride.

"No," he said, "I'll go talk to 'em." 

He hangs up the phone.

A few minutes later...

"Ring, Ring" goes the unconventionally story starting cell phone.

"Hi! good afternoon, we're the missionaries." I answer the phone.

"Hi Elders! This is Brother ________ (same as last time). Just wondering if you could tell me your phone number," comes the reply.

I give him our number, enjoying the singularity of said experience. :D


Developed a way of counting from 0 to 511 on two hands. Isn't that pretty fun?! :) give ya a hint: you do it binomially.

C* was confirmed. She bore her testimony. There's nothing more satisfactory as a missionary than hearing someone you've taught or influenced teach and bear testimony to others. it's something special. :)

Got my temple recommend renewed. It really is a special experience being able to have that inverview and tell a representative ot the Lord that yes, we're worthy of the blessings of His house. it's like a mini judgement day, where we can measure our commitment and dignity.

Love yall!!! It's been a great week!

—Elder Brown

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