first off, THANKS EVERYONE for your birthday wishes and I LOOOOVVVED the Flat Elder Brown. You all made my birthday memorable!! My birthday was super fun. but now to the week.
Tuesday we had our district meeting. Nothing abnormal about that. Then, at the end of the meeting, Eder G* (our district leader) promised us that if each area achieved its goal of 140 contacts in a week then the district would be collectively blessed with more than 30 new investigators, and they would be legitimate investigators. When I heard it, I knew it was a promise from God. You can tell if you pay attencion and ask Him. We did 159 contacts and had 13 new investigators when the previous weeks we had barely gotten 6 at best. almost all of the 13 new investigators seem rather interested in progressing and in listening. If we hear blessings promised by God's servants, we can ALWAYS trust them.
SAN FELIPE came to town!!! Elder E* and Elder R* came to sae the day here in bugambilias because my comp was sick. i got to work with elder evans again. unfortunately i dont have a pic because my companion has the pic and he cant upload his photos. oh well. :/
LOVED the birthday! LOVED your support! LOVE your prayers and your own efforts in the work of the Lord. LOVE you. Bye!
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