Rather uneventful today. Got everything ready for the week. A* and his mom are fasting today so he can stop smoking and be prepared for baptism this Friday. We gave him a priesthood blessing to strengthen him.
Fantastic day today!! We went contacting in the sketch part of the area (C*) and found someone named R*. She said that she listened to missionaries like us about a year ago. Then she said she had been praying and asking God for help lately. She said that she was looking for a way to start over in life. We taught her about getting baptized; she accepted baptism the 25th of February.
Then we went on divisions. A* is going to get baptized this Friday. SOO excited! He’s SSUPER excited to be able to start over. After teaching him about tithing, we asked him “You now know EVERYTHING you need to enter heaven, to get baptized. How do you feel?”He said, Ëxcited, and amazed. It’s something I can’t even imagine. Newness, a new start. Wow.”He saw our bikes the other day and said that when he got baptized he’d go on visits with us.
Something to think on: people jump around when there’s something they’re trying to avoid. Ask ém what it is.
Crazy day today. Yesterday too. Actually yesterday was quite the show. Rather frustrating (That’s why I didn’t write.) Anyway. A* changed his baptismal date to the 28th. He’s not planning on getting baptized the 20th. The problem is that Since the beginning I had felt his need was to get baptized this Friday. I had felt like my little line of revelation was a bit broke. That was a bit disheartening. Then I remembered my OWN voice that had so often said the words,”Don’t confuse the mid-point, or the means to an end with the end itself.”
Today was a pretty good day. We went with the lady named R*. Turns out she’s an ex-druggie. She dropped that stuff about 3 months ago. After that, we went with two sisters (M* L* and M* J*) who were both married to druggies. They were pretty interested. Decided they’d come to church.
After seeing them we went to eat lunch (the main meal of the day) with Hno Garza, who was sick. We gave him a priesthood blessing.
Then we went with a youth named A*. He helped us do a couple visits, and rather enjoyed it. When we dropped him off at his house, his older brother, C*, decided to come with us. After his first visit, he said, “This is the bad thing about doing visits with you guys: after the first visit, I don’t want to stop.”Visiting people and helping them to come unto Christ is really something special. Make an effort to do it. Visit your home teaching families. Make a real connection. Find a way to really help them. It’s worth the time and effort.
A* keeps progressing. Wants to get baptized the 27th of January. He’s really excited for that blessing.
Yesterday was another meeting with the MP. Pretty good. We were invited to kneel down with the mission plaque between our hands and give a daily report to the Lord. I did it. It was a cool experience.
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