Rather uneventful today. Got everything ready for the week. A* and his mom are fasting today so he can stop smoking and be prepared for baptism this Friday. We gave him a priesthood blessing to strengthen him.
Fantastic day today!! We went contacting in the sketch part of the area (C*) and found someone named R*. She said that she listened to missionaries like us about a year ago. Then she said she had been praying and asking God for help lately. She said that she was looking for a way to start over in life. We taught her about getting baptized; she accepted baptism the 25th of February.
Then we went on divisions. A* is going to get baptized this Friday. SOO excited! He’s SSUPER excited to be able to start over. After teaching him about tithing, we asked him “You now know EVERYTHING you need to enter heaven, to get baptized. How do you feel?”He said, Ëxcited, and amazed. It’s something I can’t even imagine. Newness, a new start. Wow.”He saw our bikes the other day and said that when he got baptized he’d go on visits with us.
Something to think on: people jump around when there’s something they’re trying to avoid. Ask ém what it is.
Crazy day today. Yesterday too. Actually yesterday was quite the show. Rather frustrating (That’s why I didn’t write.) Anyway. A* changed his baptismal date to the 28th. He’s not planning on getting baptized the 20th. The problem is that Since the beginning I had felt his need was to get baptized this Friday. I had felt like my little line of revelation was a bit broke. That was a bit disheartening. Then I remembered my OWN voice that had so often said the words,”Don’t confuse the mid-point, or the means to an end with the end itself.”
Today was a pretty good day. We went with the lady named R*. Turns out she’s an ex-druggie. She dropped that stuff about 3 months ago. After that, we went with two sisters (M* L* and M* J*) who were both married to druggies. They were pretty interested. Decided they’d come to church.
After seeing them we went to eat lunch (the main meal of the day) with Hno Garza, who was sick. We gave him a priesthood blessing.
Then we went with a youth named A*. He helped us do a couple visits, and rather enjoyed it. When we dropped him off at his house, his older brother, C*, decided to come with us. After his first visit, he said, “This is the bad thing about doing visits with you guys: after the first visit, I don’t want to stop.”Visiting people and helping them to come unto Christ is really something special. Make an effort to do it. Visit your home teaching families. Make a real connection. Find a way to really help them. It’s worth the time and effort.
A* keeps progressing. Wants to get baptized the 27th of January. He’s really excited for that blessing.
Yesterday was another meeting with the MP. Pretty good. We were invited to kneel down with the mission plaque between our hands and give a daily report to the Lord. I did it. It was a cool experience.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Creepy Crawlies in the Baptismal Font
Today we had interviews with the mission president. I felt rather nervous. The mission president is a really great guy though. I really admire how he truly manages to care for and love more than 150 of us at a time for three years.
My companion, Elder W*, is great too. He always tells me when he feels like things aren’t quite what he thinks they should be.
After the interviews, we went with the L* family. They got baptized about 7 months ago. Not sure why they stopped going to church. Everyone in the family’s got a different reason. One person said it was a calling. Another said it was an offense. Another said they just got plain busy. Another said it was the dad. Nothing really productive came of that meeting.
Then we went with someone named M*. We’ve been teaching her for about 2 months now. She’s wanted to get baptized since December, but hasn’t really had the gumption to do it alone. Her husband is against it in attitude, but decides not to take an official stance. One son (M* is the same way, and the other son (A*) is now wanting to get baptized.
M* had always found it hard making such a monumental change without seemingly any family support (seeing as her 2 kids were in Sinaloa, 12 hours away). She decided that she would show God her faith anyway by getting baptized this Saturday. She felt super nervous, but now that the time is coming closer, she is SSOOOOO excited! Like Ether 12 6 says, the witness comes AFTER the trial of faith. She taught her son how to pray. She explained a lot of doubts her son had, and she bore a super strong testimony of prayer and scripture study.
Viernes, 13 de Enero, 2017
Wow. It’s 2017. That still amazes me. Contrary to superstition, today was quite the enjoyable day. M* decided to get baptized today. We had to go through the normal preparative process: empty the font (because the pump’s broken and no one cares enough to fix it, me included), wash it out (because no one cleans it out until it’s got it’s own little ecosystem, me included) and then get all the last minute details wrapped up (because nobody does anything until the HAVE to, me included). We had to bail out the font with buckets. The place we had to go to effectively empty the font had a black widow web all over it; we saw the spider. It looks crazy cool! It was the first time I ever saw one, and MAN is it crazy. We went to get our cameras to get a picture but when we got back, the black widow was gone! After freaking out a little (maybe a lot), we threw water on the web and got to bailing.
In cleaning out the font, it was rather uneventful. It smelled like a pond because it was one; it had green algea growing on the corners and had spiders, mosquitos, and a bunch of other little nasties running around all over it.
Then came the baptism. That was something special; it always is. You can really see the difference in M*. The first day you could tell just by looking at her that she got angry really easily, and when she got angry, she took the anger seriously. She is now super happy and her faith is really growing. It’s amazing to see.
What is Baptism?
It’s immersion, immersion in a foreign world that first, seeming hostile and unformidable, comes to be the very essence of existence.
It’s death, death to our past, death to our true enemy, ourselves, and life which breaks forth in everlasting joy.
It’s pain, pain of repentance, the process of extracting every impurity and every sin which doth so easily beset us.”(Alma 7:15)
It’s birth, birth into the marvelous mercy and grace of our Savior.
It’s hope, hope that comes only on a blank page.
It’s a gift,a gift you keep unwrapping the rest of your life.
I bought a bike today! It’s a sweet bike! Actually, I bought it on Thursday and it finished getting fixed up today. I got to ride it for the first time today and it was SSUUPER fun! I almost beat the cars. ;)
After that, we went with A*. He’s M*’s son, and he wants to get ready for baptism. About 3 months ago, he was a drug addict. He left it because he lost his marriage and was gonna lose his daughter due to it. When we contacted him, he told us that he was planning on attending another church the following Sunday. He changed his mind and asked us to come and teach him. Since then he’s been asking us when he can get baptized. Our friends NEED the gospel. They want it DESPERATELY, but most of the time don’t even know WHAT it is they’re looking for, much less HOW to find it. Be a friend and reach out to them with simple invitations.
Maybe they (or you) think it’s a bit uncomfortable, but it’s like a drowning swimmer. There’s nothing uncomfortable in throwing out a lifeline. The most uncomfortable is knowing you COULD have saved a friend, but didn’t.
Domingo, 25 de Enero, 2017:
Wow. Today was something special. M* got confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She’s a powerful follower of Christ. She heard a couple of sisters were going to visit the families that didn’t come to church today, and she decided to join them. She wants to go the temple with the ward the next excursion (the 28th, I’ll get pics) and she’s helping her son get prepared for baptism.
A* wants to go on visits with us already. He keeps progressing. He’s actually fasting today for help with the Word of Wisdom. We are also fasting for him.
Speaking of help with visits, My companion and I bought a couple of new bikes. They’re SUPER fast! We’re gonna beat the cars on the highway now! No, but we ARE gonna be able to work better with the members, because now we’ll have bikes for ém to use.
Lastly, I know that this Church is true. Joseph Smith DID see God the Father and Christ His only begotten son. They DID restore their gospel, their continuing revelation, and their access to it all, through their servant, Joseph Smith. They DO love us. The power of Christ’s atonement DOES overcome ANYTHING, when we put ourselves to the task. God wants us to love Him, why? So we can learn to truly live. Only in loving Him can we find true happiness, true comfort, and true progress. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Read Alma 12:28-29. Think of ways it has applied in your life. I love those two verses. If you want, post ém on the comments bar.
Having a little fun on the Mish! |
My companion, Elder W*, is great too. He always tells me when he feels like things aren’t quite what he thinks they should be.
After the interviews, we went with the L* family. They got baptized about 7 months ago. Not sure why they stopped going to church. Everyone in the family’s got a different reason. One person said it was a calling. Another said it was an offense. Another said they just got plain busy. Another said it was the dad. Nothing really productive came of that meeting.
Then we went with someone named M*. We’ve been teaching her for about 2 months now. She’s wanted to get baptized since December, but hasn’t really had the gumption to do it alone. Her husband is against it in attitude, but decides not to take an official stance. One son (M* is the same way, and the other son (A*) is now wanting to get baptized.
M* had always found it hard making such a monumental change without seemingly any family support (seeing as her 2 kids were in Sinaloa, 12 hours away). She decided that she would show God her faith anyway by getting baptized this Saturday. She felt super nervous, but now that the time is coming closer, she is SSOOOOO excited! Like Ether 12 6 says, the witness comes AFTER the trial of faith. She taught her son how to pray. She explained a lot of doubts her son had, and she bore a super strong testimony of prayer and scripture study.
Viernes, 13 de Enero, 2017
Wow. It’s 2017. That still amazes me. Contrary to superstition, today was quite the enjoyable day. M* decided to get baptized today. We had to go through the normal preparative process: empty the font (because the pump’s broken and no one cares enough to fix it, me included), wash it out (because no one cleans it out until it’s got it’s own little ecosystem, me included) and then get all the last minute details wrapped up (because nobody does anything until the HAVE to, me included). We had to bail out the font with buckets. The place we had to go to effectively empty the font had a black widow web all over it; we saw the spider. It looks crazy cool! It was the first time I ever saw one, and MAN is it crazy. We went to get our cameras to get a picture but when we got back, the black widow was gone! After freaking out a little (maybe a lot), we threw water on the web and got to bailing.
In cleaning out the font, it was rather uneventful. It smelled like a pond because it was one; it had green algea growing on the corners and had spiders, mosquitos, and a bunch of other little nasties running around all over it.
Baptism Day |
What is Baptism?
It’s immersion, immersion in a foreign world that first, seeming hostile and unformidable, comes to be the very essence of existence.
It’s death, death to our past, death to our true enemy, ourselves, and life which breaks forth in everlasting joy.
It’s pain, pain of repentance, the process of extracting every impurity and every sin which doth so easily beset us.”(Alma 7:15)
It’s birth, birth into the marvelous mercy and grace of our Savior.
It’s hope, hope that comes only on a blank page.
It’s a gift,a gift you keep unwrapping the rest of your life.
I bought a bike today! It’s a sweet bike! Actually, I bought it on Thursday and it finished getting fixed up today. I got to ride it for the first time today and it was SSUUPER fun! I almost beat the cars. ;)
My Speedy New Bike |
Maybe they (or you) think it’s a bit uncomfortable, but it’s like a drowning swimmer. There’s nothing uncomfortable in throwing out a lifeline. The most uncomfortable is knowing you COULD have saved a friend, but didn’t.
Domingo, 25 de Enero, 2017:
Wow. Today was something special. M* got confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She’s a powerful follower of Christ. She heard a couple of sisters were going to visit the families that didn’t come to church today, and she decided to join them. She wants to go the temple with the ward the next excursion (the 28th, I’ll get pics) and she’s helping her son get prepared for baptism.
A* wants to go on visits with us already. He keeps progressing. He’s actually fasting today for help with the Word of Wisdom. We are also fasting for him.
Speaking of help with visits, My companion and I bought a couple of new bikes. They’re SUPER fast! We’re gonna beat the cars on the highway now! No, but we ARE gonna be able to work better with the members, because now we’ll have bikes for ém to use.
Lastly, I know that this Church is true. Joseph Smith DID see God the Father and Christ His only begotten son. They DID restore their gospel, their continuing revelation, and their access to it all, through their servant, Joseph Smith. They DO love us. The power of Christ’s atonement DOES overcome ANYTHING, when we put ourselves to the task. God wants us to love Him, why? So we can learn to truly live. Only in loving Him can we find true happiness, true comfort, and true progress. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Read Alma 12:28-29. Think of ways it has applied in your life. I love those two verses. If you want, post ém on the comments bar.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Thank You!
first off, THANKS EVERYONE for your birthday wishes and I LOOOOVVVED the Flat Elder Brown. You all made my birthday memorable!! My birthday was super fun. but now to the week.
Tuesday we had our district meeting. Nothing abnormal about that. Then, at the end of the meeting, Eder G* (our district leader) promised us that if each area achieved its goal of 140 contacts in a week then the district would be collectively blessed with more than 30 new investigators, and they would be legitimate investigators. When I heard it, I knew it was a promise from God. You can tell if you pay attencion and ask Him. We did 159 contacts and had 13 new investigators when the previous weeks we had barely gotten 6 at best. almost all of the 13 new investigators seem rather interested in progressing and in listening. If we hear blessings promised by God's servants, we can ALWAYS trust them.
SAN FELIPE came to town!!! Elder E* and Elder R* came to sae the day here in bugambilias because my comp was sick. i got to work with elder evans again. unfortunately i dont have a pic because my companion has the pic and he cant upload his photos. oh well. :/
LOVED the birthday! LOVED your support! LOVE your prayers and your own efforts in the work of the Lord. LOVE you. Bye!
SAN FELIPE came to town!!! Elder E* and Elder R* came to sae the day here in bugambilias because my comp was sick. i got to work with elder evans again. unfortunately i dont have a pic because my companion has the pic and he cant upload his photos. oh well. :/
LOVED the birthday! LOVED your support! LOVE your prayers and your own efforts in the work of the Lord. LOVE you. Bye!
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Getting back into the Swing of Things
2 Jan 2017
Just getting’back in the swing of things here. Christmas Eve (Saturday) at 5:00 we went to a less-active member’s home (R* Family) to read the Christmas story and then eat dinner. It was rather enjoyable. From then ‘til today at 6 has been pure fiesta. Needless to say, It’s been quite the different week. So, whaddya do to get back in the swing of it all? Not quite sure what you do. I generally try to do everything, EVERYTHING on my to-do list. I get so worried focusing on things that I don’t even have time to be lazy or even to think twice.
Went to the district meeting today. I taught about humility. We played the Stats Die Game. Ezra Taft Benson said that Pride is centered on Enmity, and is Competetive, or Comparative, in nature. All those that played the game were all competing and comparing between points instead of focusing on the points THEY had. The winners were prideful, yes, but the very element of competition is pride. That caught everyone off guard.
Then we came back and visited a few people. We visited a less-active member and his non-member girlfriend. They listened to us and when we helped K* (the girlfriend) understand the principle of a prophet and its application today, she took more interest in our message. The most important part, however, was when she prayed. The Spirit she felt as she ended her first prayer was something special. Remember that. And make every prayer worth it.
Today we painted. And painted. And painted. It was rather dull. Then we went with C*.
Just getting’back in the swing of things here. Christmas Eve (Saturday) at 5:00 we went to a less-active member’s home (R* Family) to read the Christmas story and then eat dinner. It was rather enjoyable. From then ‘til today at 6 has been pure fiesta. Needless to say, It’s been quite the different week. So, whaddya do to get back in the swing of it all? Not quite sure what you do. I generally try to do everything, EVERYTHING on my to-do list. I get so worried focusing on things that I don’t even have time to be lazy or even to think twice.
Went to the district meeting today. I taught about humility. We played the Stats Die Game. Ezra Taft Benson said that Pride is centered on Enmity, and is Competetive, or Comparative, in nature. All those that played the game were all competing and comparing between points instead of focusing on the points THEY had. The winners were prideful, yes, but the very element of competition is pride. That caught everyone off guard.
Then we came back and visited a few people. We visited a less-active member and his non-member girlfriend. They listened to us and when we helped K* (the girlfriend) understand the principle of a prophet and its application today, she took more interest in our message. The most important part, however, was when she prayed. The Spirit she felt as she ended her first prayer was something special. Remember that. And make every prayer worth it.
Today we painted. And painted. And painted. It was rather dull. Then we went with C*.
Christmas Week
26 Dec 2016
Feliz Navidad!!!!
This is the second (and last) Christmas I’ve got out here on the mish. Shoot, the time’s gone by fast. It only goes faster and faster. I talked to my family today and I promise, it always seems a little awkward talking to them after so long. I think I almost have to connect with ém all over again.
It’s a super neat experience being on the mish during Christmas. First off, everyone here wants you to come and celebrate with them. Maybe it’s the message we represent. Maybe it’s just that they don’t want us feeling homesick, but the members really work hard to keep us busy these days. Even if we’re not that busy, like last year, it’s a really special thing. We spend the time and season sharing the message of the true Christmas. We enjoy time together as a companionship, we may enjoy time with another companionship of missionaries, and we are given the opportunity twice each year to enjoy face-to-face time with our family. That’s something special.
This last week was pretty interesting:
Monday we had a family home evening with A* and his non-member family. They rather enjoyed the message. I enjoyed their sense of humor and their sense of a good cake. ;) Tuesday we had our district meeting and at night we had a family home evening with M* and her husband. They quite enjoyed the time, and her husband finally started to show some interest in the church. YYYAAAYYY. :D
Wednesday we visited M* and shared a message with her and her husband about the temple and the potential we all have to be an eternal family. We visited J* and he’s progressing well too. He just got here from Acapulco (the southern part of Mexico) and he’s super grateful for what we’ve shared.
Thursday we had a super stressful morning; everything, EVERYTHING went wrong. A member, J*, C*’s husband, had come to do visits with us and ALL the visits fell through. I gave him a contacting card and told him I would give him an example. I contacted a neighbor who was sitting outside in his car. We invited him to listen; he told us a bunch of crazy stories from his life (he’s lived quite the dangerous life) and then told us to come see something in his house. He pulled us into his back room and showed us a wire hanging from the roof. He said that he was planning on hanging himself the next day. Everything fell through and it was super stressful, but maybe I should have eliminated the stressful part and just trusted that things would work out anyway, because the most important was accomplished, and we were able to touch and help heal a heart.
Friday we met M*s (a recent convert) daughter and her boyfriend. We decided to teach them and they accepted, politely. They were rather uninterested and it was pretty easy to tell. We taught them about the restoration. When we shared our testimony, the boyfriend showed surprising interest. He accepted The Book of Mormon and told us he’d read it.
Saturday was Christmas Eve; we still accomplished a surprising amount. At the end of the day, we went with A* (the ward mission leader) to celebrate Christmas Eve. We sang a couple of Catholic Christmas Carols (look up “burrito sabanero”). It was SUPER fun.
Sunday was Christmas Day. THANK YOU everyone for the presents! They were AWESOME!
I decided one day to set some personal goals. I thought about the goals I was setting and realized that I’d set them before, but I had always kinda given up halfway. Then I had an idea. I read chapter 11 of Preach my Gospel and decided to reflect the four suggested steps on leaving commitments on myself.
I asked myself if I was really going to do it. I was able to resolve a couple of doubts I had forgotten in the enthusiasm of setting goals.
I started listing ALL the blessings, or positive consequences, of achieving my goal. Then came to verifying. I decided I could write in my journal what I did to achieve my goal and what blessings, or positive consequences, I received each day. Then I would prescribe blessings, or positive consequences, that would come the next day.
The next day, I will write how I saw these blessings fulfilled and prescribe, or promise, other blessings for the next day. Remember, RECEIVING blessings is an action. We can be given many blessings, but we have to ACCEPT them as such, and thus RECEIVE them as evidence of God’s love.
I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us. We truly have the potential to change. We can develop the faith and confidence to do it. This is one way that has helped me.
Feliz Navidad!!!!
This is the second (and last) Christmas I’ve got out here on the mish. Shoot, the time’s gone by fast. It only goes faster and faster. I talked to my family today and I promise, it always seems a little awkward talking to them after so long. I think I almost have to connect with ém all over again.
It’s a super neat experience being on the mish during Christmas. First off, everyone here wants you to come and celebrate with them. Maybe it’s the message we represent. Maybe it’s just that they don’t want us feeling homesick, but the members really work hard to keep us busy these days. Even if we’re not that busy, like last year, it’s a really special thing. We spend the time and season sharing the message of the true Christmas. We enjoy time together as a companionship, we may enjoy time with another companionship of missionaries, and we are given the opportunity twice each year to enjoy face-to-face time with our family. That’s something special.
This last week was pretty interesting:
Monday we had a family home evening with A* and his non-member family. They rather enjoyed the message. I enjoyed their sense of humor and their sense of a good cake. ;) Tuesday we had our district meeting and at night we had a family home evening with M* and her husband. They quite enjoyed the time, and her husband finally started to show some interest in the church. YYYAAAYYY. :D
Wednesday we visited M* and shared a message with her and her husband about the temple and the potential we all have to be an eternal family. We visited J* and he’s progressing well too. He just got here from Acapulco (the southern part of Mexico) and he’s super grateful for what we’ve shared.
Thursday we had a super stressful morning; everything, EVERYTHING went wrong. A member, J*, C*’s husband, had come to do visits with us and ALL the visits fell through. I gave him a contacting card and told him I would give him an example. I contacted a neighbor who was sitting outside in his car. We invited him to listen; he told us a bunch of crazy stories from his life (he’s lived quite the dangerous life) and then told us to come see something in his house. He pulled us into his back room and showed us a wire hanging from the roof. He said that he was planning on hanging himself the next day. Everything fell through and it was super stressful, but maybe I should have eliminated the stressful part and just trusted that things would work out anyway, because the most important was accomplished, and we were able to touch and help heal a heart.
Friday we met M*s (a recent convert) daughter and her boyfriend. We decided to teach them and they accepted, politely. They were rather uninterested and it was pretty easy to tell. We taught them about the restoration. When we shared our testimony, the boyfriend showed surprising interest. He accepted The Book of Mormon and told us he’d read it.
![]() |
Christmas Pj's from my Companion's Mom |
Sunday was Christmas Day. THANK YOU everyone for the presents! They were AWESOME!
I decided one day to set some personal goals. I thought about the goals I was setting and realized that I’d set them before, but I had always kinda given up halfway. Then I had an idea. I read chapter 11 of Preach my Gospel and decided to reflect the four suggested steps on leaving commitments on myself.
I asked myself if I was really going to do it. I was able to resolve a couple of doubts I had forgotten in the enthusiasm of setting goals.
I started listing ALL the blessings, or positive consequences, of achieving my goal. Then came to verifying. I decided I could write in my journal what I did to achieve my goal and what blessings, or positive consequences, I received each day. Then I would prescribe blessings, or positive consequences, that would come the next day.
The next day, I will write how I saw these blessings fulfilled and prescribe, or promise, other blessings for the next day. Remember, RECEIVING blessings is an action. We can be given many blessings, but we have to ACCEPT them as such, and thus RECEIVE them as evidence of God’s love.
I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us. We truly have the potential to change. We can develop the faith and confidence to do it. This is one way that has helped me.
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