Resolution with E* the Schizophrenic: We saw him one morning while we were running fo excercise. He called us over and started telling us he was done with us, which we already knew. Then he said, "the Book of Mormon is... gulp... false." I thought it was amazing to see how even a schizophrenic can recognize the truth of something. You could see it in his eyes and his whole reaction that he knew he was lying.
J* was a less-active youth we visited for the first time. We talked to her and, honestly, it was super different. First off, we could tell when she was lying and when she was hiding things. It was super easy. What we decided to do is call her out on every lie and every attempt to hide the truth. Honestly, she got kind of defensive, and we knew she would. She felt like we already knew her before or like we could read her mind. In the end, after aving been visited by a lot of people a for a long time, she came to churh and read her scriptures by herself. She said that being "called out" helped her realize that things really weren't going too well.
DR V*, one of our investigators, came to general conference as well. We keep seeing progress.
Thanks for all your love and support.
Elder Brown
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