Another great week has passed! The work keeps working us and we keep enjoying it. There are so many good people in the world and I can´t wait to meet them all! General Conference was really cool! It was a bit harder getting investigators to church, but I am so grateful to know that God speaks to man today, and that man, President Thomas S. Monson, speaks to us. I know that God lives and loves us, and that He misses us. He hears us in our prayers. He talks to us through revelation. This revelation helps us to change and strengthen our lives and character. It helps us to realize that our lives aren´t only a piece of paper, but a muscle. it is grown and there is no fault in not having a perfectly strong muscle. neither is there guilt in having imperfections. The beauty of the atonement is that our relationships with God, family, and friends are not strengthened despite human weakness, but because of it. I learned something really cool the last week. It´s more a thought process:
I am who I am today for what I did yesterday to get here, whether I did it on purpose or not, true?
I will be who I will be tomorrow for what I do today to get there, true?
Thought for the week--a little meme from my Mom |
As I live today, who I want to be tomorrow, am I not already him today?
And so, are we the summation of our decisions of the past, or our hopes for the future?
What´s the answer? I believe it´s Agency. =)
Also, In my study the other day, I remembered a poem as well that says:
The distant picture, fitly framed,
will never be by man obtained,
til pored upon, when by and by,
it´s lifes brought forth from memory´s eye.
When I remembered this poem, it helped me to realize the importance of goal setting, but then I realized that good goal (alliteration) is useless without proper planning (alliteration again, and again, you get the point).
Last interesting point in the week. Remember what I said about the mission and its knack for poking and prodding for all our weaknesses? Sometimes its a little bothersome. Other times it can be very helpful. Anyway, I learned that I have ADHD. Before, it had been considered as a possibility, but not thoroughly addressed. I took a little survey test thing and talked to a psychologist about it.
Surprisingly, instead of making me feel like I´m less of a person for my imperfections, I´ve learned to appreciate myself more. It´s helped me address who I really am and realize that God truly does love everyone, imperfections and all. anyway, Great week, better companion, and best mission. Have a great day!!