Monday, March 7, 2016

The Priesthood Is Real

Well, here I am again! It's a Monday and it's raining. I would love it, if there was heating in the businesses. It's a bit chilly, but It's pretty awesome here. The members are fantastic, the food is superlatively tasty, and the members want to help us. Yesterday we received 6 referrals from the members and we met a part-member family. There are two RM's that returned in the last three weeks and they are really enthusiastic. Actually, one of them is already the elder's quorum president, just like in the movie "the RM". I hope he doesn't run into the problems like in the movie.

It's a thumbs up, happy tie, rainy day
The ward really supports us. It's crazy. They treat us like kings, like the navy seals of the Gospel. I almost have to try to keep up with them and their enthusiasm.

Yesterday we went with the Elder's quorum president and his dad and taught a part-member family . The wife is the only member, and the rest of the family have been rather uninterested. Missionaries had visited them before, but the missionaries hadn't been accepted by more than the wife, who was already a member. We taught them the first half of the Restoration, and the husband, their two sons, and the girlfriend of the oldest (they live in separate houses) accepted a baptismal date.

Other cool experiences: Elder V**** (my companion) felt a bit sick and took a pill to get better. However, he had an allergic reaction, and broke out in hives. He called a doctor and we sat in the house. He asked me to give him a priesthood blessing, and I blessed him that he'd be fine and he wouldn't have hives anymore. He kept itching during the rest of the blessing and then when I said, "En el nombre de jesus christ, amen." His itching subsided until it, and the hives, were gone, and we went out an taught. The priesthood is powerful. Not only does it heal people or give them comfort. Not only does it change our mortal world, but it also has the power to seal a baptism here on earth, and in the heavens. It seals families forever. It provides us access to the power of the Atonement in our lives. What we need to learn is that these blessings in our lives aren't our tools, rather, we are the instruments and the means of their power accomplishing the purposes of God in our lives and those around us.

1 comment:

  1. WOW. Your new ward sounds like every missionary's dream come true, and your experience with el sacerdocio was increíble!
