nah, just kidding. well, we were kinda MIA all week this week.
Monday, we were out of the area, with other elders helpin' em out w/ companionship things.
Tuesday, we worked from 5-8 for the heat.

Wednesday, i got lost because Elder Z*, who knew the area, was out on divisions w/ another area.
Thursday, I went to Tijuana to be able to go to the temple early on Friday.
Friday, I went to the temple for the last time as a missionary. It was super special (alliteration). The temple truly is the house of the Lord. The peace there is undescribable. :) Just its presence testifies of the veracity of this Work.
Saturday, We found a family of 5 who's had some strong trials in their life. their name is the M* family. The two daughters r autistic. the older daughter's got heart problems that shouldve killed her in the first 24 hrs; now she's 27. The other daughter's got a pregnancy that is either gonna take her n leave the baby, or take the baby n leave her. Their neice of 4 years is undergoing cancer treatment n the doctors say she's only got months left to live. We taught em the plan of Salvation n they really got excited. Theyre all really interested. An eternal perspective is EXACTLY what they need to be able to get through these trials. Heavenly Father is ALWAYS preparing His beloved children to hear the restored gospel. It's up to us to not let him down!
Love you all.
See you in 8!!!!