Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Elder Brown's One Year Video
Here is a little video that was put together by R* (one of Elder Brown's investigators). This was shown at the surprise party celebrating both Elder Brown and Elder Evans' one year anniversary on their mission. Thanks R* for putting this together and for helping to organize a surprise party with the San Felipe Branch. You are all awesome!
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Surprising Elder Brown
Still stuck in San Fellyyyyy!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHOOOOOOOAAAAHHHH!!! Ok. Still with Elder Evans. Still in the best area in the world. :D
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Elder Brown tutoring Math |
Anyway, R* and E* are now helping us with visits (remember that they are investigators and not yet members). They come and share how the Book of Mormon and living prophets have helped them to make changes in their life. It's really cool being able to see the changes they make in their life. :)
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Celebrating 1 year in the Mission |
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Wonderful People |
Actually, E* is a very powerful example to me: The day after she started listening to us she asked when she could get baptized. She had already read from the introduction to 1 nephi 6, and remembered it. She started teaching the pamphlets and everything to her kids. She is going through a trial and is VERY grateful that the gospel came into her life BEFORE this trial started and not AFTER.
E* was VERY VERY depressed yesterday and we decided that instead of listen and listen and try to teach and teach, we'd do what Christ did when he said, "Come and see." We had her come and visit less active members and other recent converts. We had her teach them, then we had them teach her. Se said that she felt a lot better being able to compare her problem with those of others and realize that she'd prefer her trial over others she had heard about. She learned that sometimes, actually much of the time, we need to recognize the problem, deal with it how we can, then MOVE ON and HELP SOMEONE ELSE if we want an adequate perspective.
I LLLOOOVVVEE San Felipe, but not just because it's a nice place or for the nice people. It's like Mosiah 18:30: "And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon, yea by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon; yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer..."
In my time here I have seen people truly come to love Christ. truly come to love his prophets. I have come to love my Savior more deeply. I love people more genuinely, and I love life more richly. San Felipe hasn't been the cause, exactly, but it's been the place. I know that we're children of God. He loves us. His son came to earth to save us. We are made of CELESTIAL material, and we realize just how celestial we are the more we stretch, the more our heartstrings are pulled, twisted, and outright torqued.
--Elder Brown
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
I've Hit My One Year Mark!
Funny Story: A* was trying to prepare a talk on love. She wanted a couple verses to back her up a bit, and asked us for advice. We sent her to the book, Songs of Solomon, in the Bible, and assured her there were PLENTY of verses describing love. :) She called us back 20 minutes later saying, "Those weren't the verses I wanted!" My companion and I had a really good laugh. :)
cool Article: There is no middle ground, youth media, Read it if you want. Not gonna take the time to summarize it.
Elder Pino a member of the Area Presidency came and talked to us. Thought he'd have some mind-blowing new doctrine to give us. Just showed us a picture of a horse obediently tied to one of those really light plastic chair and said, "mental ties are stronger than any physical bond we can make. WAKE UP." However, the more time I have to think about that experience, the more I like it. :)
One year mark: Wow. It was suuuper crazy the day Elder Evans and I completed a year in the mission. We realized that every day on the calendar won't get a second shot anymore. Wow. We ate sushi, watched Meet the Mormons with R*, E*, P*, and her kids and then ate chocolate cake. It was thoroughly enjoyable. It was crazy at the end seeing a missionary go out and realizing that I did that exactly a year ago, in exactly that spot... On top of that, the San Felipe Branch loved us SSOOOOO much they threw a HUGE party after that. No, just kidding. It was a party for independence day. :)
Independence Day: SSSUUUPER FUN!!! I have a bunch of videos but I get the feeling you'll know more about it by watching the ones on FB.
cool Article: There is no middle ground, youth media, Read it if you want. Not gonna take the time to summarize it.
Elder Pino a member of the Area Presidency came and talked to us. Thought he'd have some mind-blowing new doctrine to give us. Just showed us a picture of a horse obediently tied to one of those really light plastic chair and said, "mental ties are stronger than any physical bond we can make. WAKE UP." However, the more time I have to think about that experience, the more I like it. :)
One year mark: Wow. It was suuuper crazy the day Elder Evans and I completed a year in the mission. We realized that every day on the calendar won't get a second shot anymore. Wow. We ate sushi, watched Meet the Mormons with R*, E*, P*, and her kids and then ate chocolate cake. It was thoroughly enjoyable. It was crazy at the end seeing a missionary go out and realizing that I did that exactly a year ago, in exactly that spot... On top of that, the San Felipe Branch loved us SSOOOOO much they threw a HUGE party after that. No, just kidding. It was a party for independence day. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016
I Love My Mission
Yet another week's flown by. Half of it we weren't even here. Monday tuesday wednesday we were between tijuana (for the visas) and mexicali (for district meeting). Friday we were in Mexicali again for a meeting with the president. In other words, we worked 2 hours wednesday, half the day thursday, and all of saturday. Sunday we were both sick from a watermelon we ate for breakfast. JOY.
Somehow we managed to get the majority of a week's work shoved into a half-weeks timeframe, but it still managed to show a lot of oranges: 0, 0, 0, 0. Actually, It's been a really big blessing being here, even though our work isn't showing much fruit. I LLOOOVVVVEE San Felipe.
For example:
There's one investigator who came to church only to bring his rebellious member friend back to God. The investigator got stuck too. :) For the efforts of this one man, who has PLENTY of trials in his own life, 10 other people came to church yesterday. His friend is now in the process of becoming worthy of the sacrament, P*, our recent convert who has been too sick to do anything and too prideful to accept help, accepted that he take her and her four children to church. He is now taking charge of the kids' attendance to the other activities during the week. Even more, He introduced us to his sister, S*, who came with her three kids. That's 11 more people (R* inclusive) who came yesterday and will continue coming for his efforts.
S*, the owner of the pig, after three lessons and a church attendance already says that one day she wants to be a teacher of something like that. both her and ramon want to get baptized. Those two are heroes to me.
After learning about the Word of Wisdom, R* told me he remembers wanting to buy nachos one night, and he heard, "they'll hurt your stumach afterward". He told us he did it anyway, and that little voice in his head was right. Not saying nachos are against the word of wisdom, but i am saying that if we pay attention, our body is very willing to tell us beforehand if it keeps in line with the commandment or if it will break it. Also, it proves this point my mom told me: Pride gets in the way of our safety for we often overlook the warning signs thinking we know how to handle a situation
Elder Neal a anderson said faith and fear cannot coexist in his talk of october 2015.
My Mom sent me this:
One story that really stuck out to me at conference was about the many people who lost their lives after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan a few years ago. Japan is very used to earthquakes and their buildings are very secure. The earthquake that cause that large tsunami was quite powerful, however it didn't do damage to the buildings and the people were safe. They had about 30 minutes between the time the earthquake finished and the tsunami hit that they could have escaped to higher ground and to safety. However, they DID NOT heed the warning signs and leave. They were complacent and under the mindset that because their buildings were not damaged and they were used to earthquakes, they didn't need to leave. However, 150,000 people lost their lives because of the tsunami. This really drove home to me how complacent and prideful we can all get in our daily lives. Let us ever be more diligent in knowing and heeding the warning signs!
It reminded me of what happens with investigators. Their conscience (and ours) tells us what is the right thing and what is the wrong thing. It's suuuuper simple!! Sometimes we think it's "over the top" or something like that, but it's what's necesary in such dangerous situations. sometimes, after a week or two of success, we start to get comfortable, and leave the essencials a little to the side. We know who's going to fall If we know who's comfortable. :)
Amos 3:7 says that god will do nothing ecxept it be through a prophet, or one chosen and assigned with the keys of God. Our church leaders have the keys, then THEY are the ones that open heaven's blessings, not us. How do we sustain the prophet? How do we sustain his representatives in our stakes, wards, and quorums?
Elder Brown
Somehow we managed to get the majority of a week's work shoved into a half-weeks timeframe, but it still managed to show a lot of oranges: 0, 0, 0, 0. Actually, It's been a really big blessing being here, even though our work isn't showing much fruit. I LLOOOVVVVEE San Felipe.
For example:
There's one investigator who came to church only to bring his rebellious member friend back to God. The investigator got stuck too. :) For the efforts of this one man, who has PLENTY of trials in his own life, 10 other people came to church yesterday. His friend is now in the process of becoming worthy of the sacrament, P*, our recent convert who has been too sick to do anything and too prideful to accept help, accepted that he take her and her four children to church. He is now taking charge of the kids' attendance to the other activities during the week. Even more, He introduced us to his sister, S*, who came with her three kids. That's 11 more people (R* inclusive) who came yesterday and will continue coming for his efforts.
S*, the owner of the pig, after three lessons and a church attendance already says that one day she wants to be a teacher of something like that. both her and ramon want to get baptized. Those two are heroes to me.
After learning about the Word of Wisdom, R* told me he remembers wanting to buy nachos one night, and he heard, "they'll hurt your stumach afterward". He told us he did it anyway, and that little voice in his head was right. Not saying nachos are against the word of wisdom, but i am saying that if we pay attention, our body is very willing to tell us beforehand if it keeps in line with the commandment or if it will break it. Also, it proves this point my mom told me: Pride gets in the way of our safety for we often overlook the warning signs thinking we know how to handle a situation
Elder Neal a anderson said faith and fear cannot coexist in his talk of october 2015.
My Mom sent me this:
One story that really stuck out to me at conference was about the many people who lost their lives after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan a few years ago. Japan is very used to earthquakes and their buildings are very secure. The earthquake that cause that large tsunami was quite powerful, however it didn't do damage to the buildings and the people were safe. They had about 30 minutes between the time the earthquake finished and the tsunami hit that they could have escaped to higher ground and to safety. However, they DID NOT heed the warning signs and leave. They were complacent and under the mindset that because their buildings were not damaged and they were used to earthquakes, they didn't need to leave. However, 150,000 people lost their lives because of the tsunami. This really drove home to me how complacent and prideful we can all get in our daily lives. Let us ever be more diligent in knowing and heeding the warning signs!
It reminded me of what happens with investigators. Their conscience (and ours) tells us what is the right thing and what is the wrong thing. It's suuuuper simple!! Sometimes we think it's "over the top" or something like that, but it's what's necesary in such dangerous situations. sometimes, after a week or two of success, we start to get comfortable, and leave the essencials a little to the side. We know who's going to fall If we know who's comfortable. :)
Amos 3:7 says that god will do nothing ecxept it be through a prophet, or one chosen and assigned with the keys of God. Our church leaders have the keys, then THEY are the ones that open heaven's blessings, not us. How do we sustain the prophet? How do we sustain his representatives in our stakes, wards, and quorums?
Elder Brown
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Celestial Material
O* and G* got cold feet about the WHOLE THING a couple days before their baptism. They don't want us to visit them anymore. It was SSUUPPER sad. Kinda frustrating.
Meet E*:
E* is a Schizophrenic. He has abused just about every drug in just about every way. He said he's been born again and has seen visions of the future. He believes that the social security number is the mark of the beast and refuses to accept any number of any form of identification in any way. He believed himself a prophet and was coming to san felipe to save the world. he was called of god to share his message and boy has he been trying to do it. He says that cars are the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and will be destroyed. We taught him about the importance of a prophet and of following him, and he seemed to accept it. It was kinda weird. he seemed to genuinely seek the truth but just be WWWAAAYYY too over enthusiastic. he is still kinda smoking and is working on some personal parts of the law of chastity. he believes in the Book of Mormon and is kinda progressing. All in all, we're kinda just waiting.
Quick lesson I've learned here in the past week and kind of the whole mission: Never confuse what you have with who you are. M* has an addiction to the cigarrette, but she IS a child of God. I don't have too much patience, but I AM a child of God. We are made of CELESTIAL stuff, not just a cumulation of chemicals and happenstance.
Plus, received a cool thought from my mom that came from pres. monson:
Courage may be necessary for you to believe; it will at times be necessary as you obey. It will most certainly be required as you endure until that day when you will leave this mortal existence.
I have spoken over the years with many individuals who have told me, “I have so many problems, such real concerns. I’m overwhelmed with the challenges of life. What can I do?”
I have offered to them, and I now offer to you, this specific suggestion: seek heavenly guidance one day at a time. Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it’s a cinch. Each of us can be true for just one day—and then one more and then one more after that—until we’ve lived a lifetime guided by the Spirit, a lifetime close to the Lord, a lifetime of good deeds and righteousness.
The Savior promised, “Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.”
Last thought:
Alms 12 29 struck me an odd way the other day. previously it talks about our fallen state in this world. Alma tells us God's solution in 29. When was the last time you contemplated His glory? How? When has someone inspired you to contemplate this glory? When was the last time you helped someone else contemplate it? How do you think you could do it today? I realized that THAT was the purpose of missionary work. We help our friends, family, investigators and others to just think for a minute, REALLY think about the glory of God. Whether it be with our spirit, with our thoughts , or with anything else. THAT is what we really are invited to do.
Meet E*:
E* is a Schizophrenic. He has abused just about every drug in just about every way. He said he's been born again and has seen visions of the future. He believes that the social security number is the mark of the beast and refuses to accept any number of any form of identification in any way. He believed himself a prophet and was coming to san felipe to save the world. he was called of god to share his message and boy has he been trying to do it. He says that cars are the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and will be destroyed. We taught him about the importance of a prophet and of following him, and he seemed to accept it. It was kinda weird. he seemed to genuinely seek the truth but just be WWWAAAYYY too over enthusiastic. he is still kinda smoking and is working on some personal parts of the law of chastity. he believes in the Book of Mormon and is kinda progressing. All in all, we're kinda just waiting.
Quick lesson I've learned here in the past week and kind of the whole mission: Never confuse what you have with who you are. M* has an addiction to the cigarrette, but she IS a child of God. I don't have too much patience, but I AM a child of God. We are made of CELESTIAL stuff, not just a cumulation of chemicals and happenstance.
Plus, received a cool thought from my mom that came from pres. monson:
Courage may be necessary for you to believe; it will at times be necessary as you obey. It will most certainly be required as you endure until that day when you will leave this mortal existence.
I have spoken over the years with many individuals who have told me, “I have so many problems, such real concerns. I’m overwhelmed with the challenges of life. What can I do?”
I have offered to them, and I now offer to you, this specific suggestion: seek heavenly guidance one day at a time. Life by the yard is hard; by the inch it’s a cinch. Each of us can be true for just one day—and then one more and then one more after that—until we’ve lived a lifetime guided by the Spirit, a lifetime close to the Lord, a lifetime of good deeds and righteousness.
The Savior promised, “Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.”
Last thought:
Alms 12 29 struck me an odd way the other day. previously it talks about our fallen state in this world. Alma tells us God's solution in 29. When was the last time you contemplated His glory? How? When has someone inspired you to contemplate this glory? When was the last time you helped someone else contemplate it? How do you think you could do it today? I realized that THAT was the purpose of missionary work. We help our friends, family, investigators and others to just think for a minute, REALLY think about the glory of God. Whether it be with our spirit, with our thoughts , or with anything else. THAT is what we really are invited to do.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Keep Going!
Not to say I'm counting, but today marks a year left of the mission. It's sad, and it's exciting. This week was quite unique.
WE spent ALLLLLLLLL DAY EVERY DAY in the sun talking to people and looking for someone to teach or help. All that work ended up very fruitful. Actually, about like this orange: 0. Nothing, nothing, nothing. But at least it did so in a variety of entertaining manners. :)
For example, we found a lukewarm marriage and very enthusiastic children. We taught them about baptism, prayer, and church attendance, we came back the next day, and the parents didn't want anything. We helped the kids with their math (there's worse apostasy in math than in religion here) and then I received a bit of my childhood revenge with the most obnoxious child I have ever met. He threw water at me and SOAKED ME. almost getting my scriptures, which was my real worry. He moved the table every time his sister started writing. He tried robbing our bikes from us and then when we locked them together, started taking them apart. Then he started throwing a metal tent rod at us and started drawing all over his sisters homework. He told us he didn't like us and we were bad people in a way loaded with swearwords, both in spanish and english. Then he played his cop siren really loud right by us. What did we do? We taught him the dirtiest naughtiest most offensive swearword in the english language so he could at least focus on one problem: Peanut butter jelly. :) At least he cleaned up his language. :) I think that was the highlight of a stinking difficult day. :) It was SSUUUPER difficult.
Every day of the week last week was out in the sun looking for someone to teach because for some reason the 10 investigators that were progressing two weeks ago kinda burnt out. Oh well. Bye bye O* and G*. In the past two weeks, we've found 32 investigators. The only one that was progressing decided to move to a place called Puertocitos, about 2 hours from San Felipe and without cell service. I can't believe someone would go and built a city where there wasn't cell service!!!!!
Anyway, we got to church worried about what would happen with church attendance, and nobody of those 32 people came. The interesting thing is that the branch members, unknowledgeable and imperfect as they may be, certainly do their missionary work well. They brought 3 people to church that we had never even seen before. God does His work, with us or without. Isn't that comforting. :)
You ever seen that upside down cup thing where it's full of water? We did that with a member. It was pretty funny. We filled up a plastic cup with water and then put it upside down on the table. Hermana G*'s 12 yr old daughter, M*, picked it up and got ALL wet. Then they did it again, and got her 15 yr old brother, J*. They did it again and got his friend with it too. :) It's a pretty good prank. :) Just try not to do it on wood, because water can stain it pretty bad.
I know I already sent a bit about it last week, but it really does help. It changes things. Every night I've tried to think of all the people who have helped me or others and given me an example of christlike attributes. It changes me. President Eyering told us about it in his talk, "the priesthood man". It really surprises me every time. Time and time again, I realize just how much God loves me.
Actually, I've been learning more and more personally that I am a child of God. You are too. We might say, "I'm bad at (fill in the blank)" or "Im easily frustrated", but not I'm a child of God, with eternal potential. We might also say, “I might struggle to learn (fill in the blank)” or “I might lack patience,” but the only thing we really are is a child of God.
Another thing. I've learned is that it's really really easy to almost leave the mission, to almost leave the church, or to almost give up. I am convinced that President Monson almost gave up. Everyone does it. Ammon did it. There is no one that doesn't. Everyone gets discouraged and doubts their core beliefs. I learned a really useful trick to help me in these times, because many times, we're too scared to even acknowledge it. I was really down in the dumps one night. I couldn't sleep, I was sick, and there were some serious regrets running through my mind. It happens. It will. I sat down and wrote every single one of them out that I could think of. Then I prayed to ask for help in identifying the truth from the falsehood of the situation. I felt like a failure in more than one way. In more than five ways. I wrote it out and acknowledged it. Then I prayed to ask for God's perspective and when I wrote a second time, things seemed better. :) Maybe it could help you. :)
Anyway, good week, still alive, pretty interesting in a rather dull way. Enjoy your life! :)
WE spent ALLLLLLLLL DAY EVERY DAY in the sun talking to people and looking for someone to teach or help. All that work ended up very fruitful. Actually, about like this orange: 0. Nothing, nothing, nothing. But at least it did so in a variety of entertaining manners. :)
For example, we found a lukewarm marriage and very enthusiastic children. We taught them about baptism, prayer, and church attendance, we came back the next day, and the parents didn't want anything. We helped the kids with their math (there's worse apostasy in math than in religion here) and then I received a bit of my childhood revenge with the most obnoxious child I have ever met. He threw water at me and SOAKED ME. almost getting my scriptures, which was my real worry. He moved the table every time his sister started writing. He tried robbing our bikes from us and then when we locked them together, started taking them apart. Then he started throwing a metal tent rod at us and started drawing all over his sisters homework. He told us he didn't like us and we were bad people in a way loaded with swearwords, both in spanish and english. Then he played his cop siren really loud right by us. What did we do? We taught him the dirtiest naughtiest most offensive swearword in the english language so he could at least focus on one problem: Peanut butter jelly. :) At least he cleaned up his language. :) I think that was the highlight of a stinking difficult day. :) It was SSUUUPER difficult.
Every day of the week last week was out in the sun looking for someone to teach because for some reason the 10 investigators that were progressing two weeks ago kinda burnt out. Oh well. Bye bye O* and G*. In the past two weeks, we've found 32 investigators. The only one that was progressing decided to move to a place called Puertocitos, about 2 hours from San Felipe and without cell service. I can't believe someone would go and built a city where there wasn't cell service!!!!!
Anyway, we got to church worried about what would happen with church attendance, and nobody of those 32 people came. The interesting thing is that the branch members, unknowledgeable and imperfect as they may be, certainly do their missionary work well. They brought 3 people to church that we had never even seen before. God does His work, with us or without. Isn't that comforting. :)
You ever seen that upside down cup thing where it's full of water? We did that with a member. It was pretty funny. We filled up a plastic cup with water and then put it upside down on the table. Hermana G*'s 12 yr old daughter, M*, picked it up and got ALL wet. Then they did it again, and got her 15 yr old brother, J*. They did it again and got his friend with it too. :) It's a pretty good prank. :) Just try not to do it on wood, because water can stain it pretty bad.
I know I already sent a bit about it last week, but it really does help. It changes things. Every night I've tried to think of all the people who have helped me or others and given me an example of christlike attributes. It changes me. President Eyering told us about it in his talk, "the priesthood man". It really surprises me every time. Time and time again, I realize just how much God loves me.
Actually, I've been learning more and more personally that I am a child of God. You are too. We might say, "I'm bad at (fill in the blank)" or "Im easily frustrated", but not I'm a child of God, with eternal potential. We might also say, “I might struggle to learn (fill in the blank)” or “I might lack patience,” but the only thing we really are is a child of God.
Another thing. I've learned is that it's really really easy to almost leave the mission, to almost leave the church, or to almost give up. I am convinced that President Monson almost gave up. Everyone does it. Ammon did it. There is no one that doesn't. Everyone gets discouraged and doubts their core beliefs. I learned a really useful trick to help me in these times, because many times, we're too scared to even acknowledge it. I was really down in the dumps one night. I couldn't sleep, I was sick, and there were some serious regrets running through my mind. It happens. It will. I sat down and wrote every single one of them out that I could think of. Then I prayed to ask for help in identifying the truth from the falsehood of the situation. I felt like a failure in more than one way. In more than five ways. I wrote it out and acknowledged it. Then I prayed to ask for God's perspective and when I wrote a second time, things seemed better. :) Maybe it could help you. :)
Anyway, good week, still alive, pretty interesting in a rather dull way. Enjoy your life! :)
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