Hooooollllaaaaa! Hoy es un buen dia por ser feliz!! Pretty good week this week. Actually, it was Awesome!! There were a bunch of encouraging things. for example:
1. The church attendance went from 52 last week to 79 yesterday. the interesting thing is that there were hardly any visitors, and so about 25 more members came to church than usual. Then we went and taught the Gospel Principles class. I felt a stronger Spirit there in that class than just about any other class I've been to. there were two RM's (returned missionaries) from arizona that came in with us and one said it was the best class he'd ever been to as well. SOOO exciting!!
Then we went to the 3rd hour and the EQ (Elder's Quorum) is finally getting set up in Home teaching. They're doing it #Freals.
Elder Brown and Elder Diaz during exchanges |
At 7 we held a PMG (Preach My Gospel) class with the members and quite a few came. THEY REALLY WANT TO HELP HERE! We helped them teach about prophets and prepare to present a message and leave a commitment.
We will always feel the spirit most powerfully when we're doing something, so as a home teacher, visiting teacher, friend, or anything, we NEED to invite our brothers and sisters to act in some measurable, decisive manner. and we NEED to follow up on it.
2. Speaking of the RM's, they came from Arizona and are staying a couple days down here. They came down early specifically to go on splits with us. Hno (Hermano) Philip served in Chile and Hno (Hermano) Samuel served in Uruguay and they just got back a year and a half ago. They were pretty cool. :)
3. Hna G* (Sister G): She's a member who's had the normal Mexican woman's life, but she's been overcoming it in an abnormal way. She had one or two kids with one husband. He abused her. Then she had the rest of her four kids with a second. He had schizophrenia. He stabbed someone (for deception in his work) and was put in jail. She stuck with him the two years of the prison sentence and then he dumped her and told her she was cheating on him the last one or two months of it.
She was obviously devastated both reputationally and emotionally. She told me she was Never Marrying Again. Ever. We talked to her about the importance of an eternal marriage and its necesity for her eternal increase. She continued on with the "no." She started talking about marriage as if it were a degradation to her potential and capacity. I told her about a family friend who had suffered many problems in her marriages and she downright talked down at her (You're honestly one of my heroes with your ability to perservere in hope and cheerfulness).
After that, we talked about how pride sometimes doesn't allow us to give our pains and suffering to God. We bore our testimonies, and left.
The next Friday she told me she had prayed about it and that God had revealed to her that she really did need a husband to enjoy eternal joy. That was one of the coolest things. WE got to see how the word of God humbled someone and totally changed her perspective. that was really cool.
I learned that a true friend, like Nephi, sticks to God's commandments in risk of losing the friendship. She is now much more happy about things and is changing for the better.
4. Hna N* (Sister N*): actually, Sister G*''s sister. She's had a life very similar. This time, though, her husband was already baptized when he cheated on her. He was in a coma for 22 days and Sister N* found out when she was taking care of her husband and the little girly friend walked in to save her sweety. that's a fun surprise. :-\
Anyway, since that happened in March, needless to say, their marriage has been on the edge. The husband, F*, has been working REALLY REALLY hard to get things right. He's been healing REALLY REALLY miraculously and his faith is very strong now. Anyway, for one of the steps towards reinitiation to church blessings he's got to take responsibility for the baby that appeared. Sister N* was TOTALLY against it to the point where she brought the topic up and started yelling at US about it when we didn't have anything to do with the requirements. She said that she would rather divorce him than have him take responsibility for the baby.
We talked to her about pride as well. We told her that she could continue on thinking that there was an enemy in her life or she could just trust God. Pride, as President Benson said, is a sense of enmity. We said that she needed to just trust God with things and let them work out. She told us that after weeks of fuming about the requirement, she was then willing to acknowledge the baby and let her husband take responsibility for him.
I really admire her faith and her humility. Remember, Faith, hope, charity or anything else will ALL FALL if there's not a solid base of humility to base it on. and PRIDE IS NOT THINKING YOU"RE BETTER THAN EVERYONE. Pride is comparing, competing, or putting others, situations, or anything else AGAINST you. How many times does that happen in our head, every day?
Elder Brown and Elder Campuzano during a discussion |
5. G* and O* are two really awesome investigators. They've read and been keeping commitments. They came to church and were able to CONTRIBUTE in the AWESOME Gospel Principles class. They have a baptismal date August 6th and have been progressing really well.
Friday we taught them how to pray. They had never done it before. I hope you guys never lose your sense of wonder with the power of prayer. God, the most powerful being in the universe, is on the edge of his seat waiting to hear every word, wipe away every tear, and always, ALWAYS sends a big warm hug. Now, imagine yourself praying for the first time in your entire life. How would that experience be? for G*, it was amazing. She prayed and the spirit came like a wave.
I know that God always listens to and answers prayers. he LOVES to hear them, from EVERYONE.
Another great week went by and I'm still here in San Felipe with Elder Campuzano. Still swimming in the glorious humidity and, yep. The church is true. Read your scriptures. Say your prayers. Go to church. Eat tasty food and enjoy life because that's what you've got. :)
With Love,
Elder Brown